5 Crucial Solutions for Crisis Management

ISMed has developed effective Fast Deployment Crisis Management Solutions (FDCMs) aimed at helping governments and organizations to anticipate, plan and respond appropriately to disasters in order to lessen their disruptive effects. We provide solutions based on hardcore and software designed for disconnected areas that have been harmed by floods, landslides, drought, earthquakes, fire, conflicts, tsunami,…

Direct Spending by Governments Could Aid tax breaks

COVID-19 has impacted our lives in ways unprecedented. Within five months of the first reported case in the city of Wuhan, China in December 2019, CDC and WHO report that there are 72 million confirmed infections globally and 1,612,014 deaths and 47,218,235 recoveries, with an aggressively escalating number of new infections. Nobody, not even scientists or governments, can claim to know how this pandemic is going to pan out, its full impact, or how soon it will resolve. But what is clear is that it has had extremely negative impact to economies the world over.